RJAP Volume 12 Issue 1
Taris, T.W, van Beek, I., & Schaufeli, W.B. (2010). Why do perfectionists have a higher burnout risk than others? The mediational effect of workaholism. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (1) , 1-7.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: Previous research has revealed that perfectionists have a higher burnout risk than others, but the mechanisms accounting for this association have rarely been examined. The present study proposes that workaholism mediates this relation, as previous research revealed that (a) perfectionists are more likely to be workaholics than others, and (b) workaholics have a higher burnout risk than others. Using cross-sectional data from 199 Dutch managers, regression analyses revealed that holding high standards towards oneself (a self-directed indicator of perfectionism) was unrelated to any of the three dimensions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory. However, high concern over making mistakes in the face of others (representing socially prescribed perfec¬tionism) was systematically associated with high levels of burnout and workaholism. Moreover, workaholism was positively associated with high levels of exhaustion. Sub¬sequent mediation analysis revealed that the association between (the socially prescribed aspect of) perfectionism and burnout (emotional exhaustion) was mediated by workaholism.
Keywords: burnout, workaholism, perfectionism, mediation analysis, managers
Address of correspondence: t.taris@uu.nl
De Witte, H, Hooge, J., & Vanbelle, Els (2010). Do the long-term unemployed adapt to unemployment? Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (1), 8-14.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: The literature on the psychological consequences of unemployment suggests that an adaptation process takes place among the long-term unemployed. Their psychological well-being decreases strongly at the beginning of unemployment, to stabilize at a lower level after a certain time. This stabilization is due to an adaptation process, in which the unemployed decrease their job search behaviors and lower their employment commitment. In this cross-sectional study from Belgium, 563 short-term and 195 long-term unemployed are compared on psychological well-being, the experience of unemployment, employment commitment and job search behavior. The results are in line with the hypothesis of an adaptation process among the long-term unemployed. The short-term unemployed experienced more psychological distress than the long-term unemployed. The short-term unemployed also showed stronger employment commitment and more often applied for jobs. The results of some retrospective questions, in which the respondents had to compare their actual behaviors and well-being with those in the past, suggest that an adaptation process took place. Some policy recommendations are discussed.
Keywords: long-term unemployment, short-term unemployment, job-seeking behavior, psychological well-being, adaptation, employment commitment
Address of correspondence: Hans.Dewitte@psy.kuleuven.be
Beldean-Galea, I.E., & Jurcau, N. (2010). Studiul calitatilor psihometrice ale unui chestionar de evaluare a fenomenului “bullying” la elevi [The study of psychometric qualities for a questionnaire assessing bullying at students]. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (1), 15-20.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: The aim of this paper was to establish the psychometric properties (criterion validity and internal consistency) for the Romanian version of Students’ Self-Report Questionnaire (Stevens, de Bourdeaudhuij, Van Oost, 2000) that have been developed to measure bullying, victimization and positive behaviors of children. A sample of 210 pupils, aging between 10 and 14 years old was included in the study. Based on a peer-nomination procedure proposed by Zapan (1984) participants who received most nominations were assigned in two contrasting groups (e.g. high and low bullying tendencies). The results demonstrate a good criterion validity of the Questionnaire, both in terms of the three scales analysis (bully, victim, and positive behavior), and in terms of item analysis. The internal consistency of the three scales was .81 for the bullying scale, .63 for the victimization scale, and .72 for the positive behavior scale, all values indicating rather good psychometric properties for the Romanian version of the Questionnaire.
Keywords: aggressiveness, bullying, victimization, positive behavior, criterion validity
Address of correspondence: galeaioana@yahoo.com
Aldona, A., & Aiste, U. (2010). Motives and career barriers choosing studies in Physics and Mathematics: gender aspects. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (1), 21-30.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: This article discusses the concepts of professional motivation and career barriers from the gender point of view. The research problem is expressed in the following questions: what personal and socio-cultural factors motivate young people to choose Physics and Mathematics study programmes? Are there significant differences in expression of motives and career barriers among male and female students? The sample consisted of 86 undergraduate students: 45 females and 41 male. Respondents were asked to write down their reflections as a free text answering the question why did they make such a professional choice choosing Physics and Mathematics studies. Motives that influenced the choice of Physics and Mathematics mostly expressed the dimension of self-realization and the dimension of material achievements. It was also found that both personality and social-cultural factors were important in choosing Physics and Mathematics, i.e. sensation of vocation and professional aptitude, as well as encouragement of relatives and good evaluation of future profession’s status. There were also found differences in expression of motives and career barriers among male and female students.
Keywords: professional motivation, career barriers, Physics and Mathematics studies, gender, Lithuania
Address of correspondence: minija@mail.lt
Burcas, S., & Sulea, C. (2010). Dimensiuni ale orientarii religioase: perspectiva lui Gordon W. Allport si abordari actuale [Dimensions of religious orientation: the Gordon W. Allport’s view and actual trends]. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (1), 30-38.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: Allport´s view on religious orientation represents an important milestone in the field of psychology of religion. The concept of intrinsic-extrinsic orientation to religion has stimulated important empirical and theoretical developments. The present article will discuss the conceptual and methodological approach of religious orientation, from Allport´s classical work to his followers, analyzing important correlates and their relevance for applied psychology, and also presenting a critical analysis and alternative models.
Keywords: extrinsic vs. intrinsic religious orientation, mature vs. immature religion, religious orientation scale.
Address of correspondence: sylvia.burcas@yahoo.com
Ion, A., Vercellino, D., & Iliescu, D. (2010). Cei cinci mari factori de personalitate in doua culturi: Italia si Romania. O perspectiva transculturala [The Big Five personality factors in two cultures: Italy and Romania. A cross-cultural approach]. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (1), 39-41.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: Many instruments for psychological assessment are originally developed in different languages than the ones found in the countries where they are used (Butcher, Lim, & Nezami, 1998; Nichols, Padilla, & Gomez-Maqueo, 2000). Some of these instruments have been widely used, in particular those intended to assess personality from a five-factor personality model. The present study aims to address potential cultural differences between Romania and Italy in regard to the Big Five Questionnaire – 2 (BFQ-2, Caprara, Barbaranelli & Borgogni, 1993), based on national normative validation samples of 4578 participants (Italy) and 2100 participants (Romania). Data obtained show significant differences between the two cultures on most of the BFQ-2 scales and subscales, excepting the conscientiousness factor and the cooperation subscale.
Keywords: cross-cultural research, BFQ, big-five, five factor model of personality
Address of correspondence: andrei.ion@testcentral.ro
Macsinga, I. (2010). Evaluarea personalitatii in activitatea de consiliere. Metode alternative [The personality assessment in counseling activity. Alternative methods]. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (1), 42-47.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: Grid is actually a generic term for a number of simple rating-scale procedures. This technique is used for arriving at straightforward descriptions of how a person views the world in his or her own terms. In counseling activity, Repertory Grid Technique has some important applications, as the description of the ways in which a person thinks about his/her social environment, in order to understand the person or in support of a counseling relationship with that person. In this presentation, grid principles description will be made and an analysis of results of a hypothetical example will be done.
Keywords: repertory grid, representations, visual inspection, qualitative methods
Address of correspondence: irimacsi@yahoo.com
RJAP Volume 12 Issue 2
Guan, Y, Bond, M.H., Dinca, M., & Iliescu, D. (2010). Social axioms among Romanians: structure and demographic differences. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (2) , 48-53.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: Social axioms are beliefs about the material, social and spiritual world, assessing what the person regards as true. Following a functionalist orientation, we propose that social axioms serve as a reflection of social reality and provide guidance for living to people in different demographic groups. This study investigated the dimensionality of a measure of such beliefs, the Social Axioms Survey (SAS), and demographic differences in the resulting factor scores for groups of Romanians. Results of exploratory factor analyses revealed a new five-factor structure, with four factors remarkably similar to those derived from a pan-cultural solution of 40 cultural groups (Leung & Bond, 2004). A distinctive factor named “Interpersonal Relations” replaced the “Social Complexity” factor found in previous research, and represented beliefs about the impact of interpersonal relations on life events and how to maintain good relations with others. Canonical correlation revealed that people of older age, lower education, and lower income endorsed stronger beliefs in “Social Cynicism” and “Religiosity”. After controlling for the effects of age, education, and income, females reported stronger endorsement of the “Religiosity”, “Interpersonal Relations”, and “Fate Control” dimensions than males; widowed participants scored significantly higher than married, divorced and unmarried groups on both “Religiosity” and “Fate Control”. By reflecting on the characteristics of Romanian society, we discussed these findings in terms of the life experience and social status of different social groups. Based on this analysis, questions were proposed for future research.
Keywords: social axioms, exploratory factor analysis, scale adaptation
Address of correspondence: yjguan@psy.cuhk.edu.hk
Feij, J.A., & Taris, T.W. (2010). Beyond the genetic basis of sensation seeking: the influence of birth order, family size, and parenting styles. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (2), 54-61.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: Genetic analyses of sensation seeking have shown fairly high heritabilities for measures of this trait. However, 40 to 60% of the variance remains unexplained by genetic factors. This longitudinal study examines the influence of characteristics of the family environment -- birth order, family size, socio-economic status and parenting styles -- on two dimensions of sensation seeking: disinhibition and boredom susceptibility. Previous research has shown that these dimensions load on the same factor, are related to biologically based impulsive disorders, and have a common genetic basis. Questionnaire and biographical data obtained from 532 female and 479 male young adults (age between 18 and 30 years) were analyzed using structural modeling. The results show that participants who experienced little parental care and much control were more likely to have high scores on disinhibition and boredom susceptibility. It appears that these family factors may partly explain the previously reported effects of birth order and family size on sensation seeking.
Keywords: sensation seeking, birth order, parenting styles, longitudinal research, structural equation modeling
Address of correspondence: T.Taris@uu.nl
Robu, V., & Tcaciuc, E. (2010). Relatia dintre dependenta de internet, sentimentul de singuratate si suportul social perceput in randul adolescentilor [The association between internet addiction, the loneliness feeling, and the perceived social support among adolescents]. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (2), 62-72.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: The current “digital generation” of youngsters seems to dictate the future game rules on the international market of telecommunications. Among adolescents, the passion for computer and Internet can oscillate from a balanced and healthy involvement until the addiction implying multiple negative consequences on the physical, psychological and social functioning. This aspect was of interest in our work. From a total of 257 high school students, whose responses protocols have represented the selection basis, 6.2 % were qualified as Internet-addicted. Compared with the rational Internet users, the Internet addiction group has obtained a higher level of loneliness, although the difference was not statistically significant. In contrast, the level of involvement in the Internet activities had a significant effect on level of the social support perceived by students. Compared with the Internet addiction group, the rational Internet users, as those who used it excessively have obtained a significant higher level of the perceived social support. In the last section, our paper presents some measures that the educational agents can adopt, in view of rationalizing the Internet consume within children and adolescents.
Keywords: adolescents, Internet addiction, feeling of loneliness, perceived social support
Address of correspondence: robuviorel_upa@yahoo.com
Gavreliuc, A. (2010). Transferuri valorice si atitudinale transgenerationale in Romania post-comunista [Transgenerational axiological and attitudinal patterns in post-communist Romania]. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (2), 73-78.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: Our paper has grouped the conclusions of research organized between 2002-2010 on 1841 subjects from different generational strata in contemporary Romania. The investigation realized on representative samples has made on three age groups, conventionally designated as ‘generations’: ‘50th generation’ (subjects socialized in communism, profoundly integrated in the ‘old world’), ‘35th generation’ (subjects secondary socialized in communism, social integrated in the ‘old world,’ which obtain in present an influent symbolic position in the social network), and the ‘20th generation’ (subjects social nonintegrated before 1989, which preserve a neutral memory about the pre-revolutionary period and assumes today a strategies of social integration in a totally different social reality). The applied psychological instruments assess the following dimensions: independence-interdependence (Singelis); self-esteem (Rosenberg); locus of control (Rotter); self-determination (Sheldon, Ryan, Reis); and the values matrix provided by Schwartz Value Inventory, combining a quantitative methodology (trough the above instruments) with a qualitative one (oral history interviews). Our study is focused on the two concurrent hypotheses: the attitudinal changing hypothesis (the change of fundamental social attitudes) and the „la longue durée” hypothesis (the persistence of fundamental social attitudes), examining the practical consequences of confirming „la longue durée” hypothesis. At the same time, we have briefly configured the identitary portrait of one of the most traumatic generation for the communist period (‘decrețeii’, ‘the children of the Decree’ 770/1967 – the Ceausescu’s decree for interdiction abortion), underlining the presence of a transgenerational axiological and attitudinal patterns, characterized by low level of social commitment and assistential values.
Keywords: values, locus of control, self-esteem, self-determination, post-communism
Address of correspondence: agavreliuc@socio.uvt.ro
Macsinga, I., & Dobrita, O. (2010). More educated, less irrational: gender and educational differences in perfectionism and irrationality. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (2), 79-85.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: The current study sets out to identify and analyze gender and educational level differences concerning irrationality and perfectionism. A total of 62 participants (29 men, 33 women; 32 persons with higher studies, 30 persons with average/primary studies) completed the General Attitude and Belief Scale (Lindner, Kirkby, Wertheim & Birch, 1999) and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (Frost, Marten, Lahart & Rosenblate, 1990). Data analysis revealed significant gender differences regarding perfectionism, men proving to be more concerned with mistakes than women. At the same time, significant educational differences were identified at the level of all the variables studied, the subjects with higher studies showing a lower level of irrationality, concern over mistakes, personal standards, parental expectations, parental criticism, and doubt about actions, as compared to the participants with average or primary studies. There were no significant gender differences concerning irrationality. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings are further discussed.
Keywords: irrationality, perfectionism, gender and educational differences
Address of correspondence: irimacsi@yahoo.com
Flestea, A.M., Maricutoiu, L.P., & Sulea, C. (2010). Implicatiile mesajelor pozitive si negative din mass-media asupra comportamentului alimentar sanatos [The impact of positive and negative media messages on the health diet behavior]. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 12 (2), 86-95.more details. Download PDF
Abstract: This study examined the impact of framing messages, negative and positive, on feelings and eating behavior. The research included two parts. In the first part, participants were selected based on the personality dimensions, namely extraversion and emotional stability levels. In the second part, they were included in an experimental setting where they had to read negative or negative messages and fill in an emotional scale and a questionnaire about planned behavior. Results show the way written messages might not be strong enough to elicit positive or negative emotions or to influence the intention of having a healthy eating behavior. The study offers important information and directions for future research.
Keywords: framing, prospect theory, positive affect, negative affect, extraversion, neuroticism, theory of planned behavior
Address of correspondence: alina.flestea@gmail.com